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Friday, March 4, 2011

Aqua Effect

Tools Used: Elliptical Marquee Tool, Paint Bucket Tool, Linear Gradient Tool, Distort, Move Tool, Gaussian Blur, and drop shadow.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lesson 4 Photoshop

Tools used: copy and paste logo, rotate logo, polygonal tool, cut, distort, and opasity.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Final Photoshop Fruit Man

Magnetic Lasso Tool, Lasso Tool, Move Tool, Elliptical Marquee, Magnifying Tool, Horizontal Type Tool, and Copy and Paste

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Facebook Issue - Jack Casalme

          Facebook is a huge social network that was created and launched in the year 2004 by a Harvard sophomore by the name of Mark Zuckerberg. Right now Facebook has more than 600 million active users and counting worldwide. Facebook is both an effective communication tool and an ineffective communication  tool. In this essay i will be talking about both issues.

          The first reason why Facebook is an effective communication tool is because it lets people around the world communicate and socialize with each other. Users can create their own personal accounts, add other friends and exchange messages to each other. It is a secure environment which lets friends, families, and others interact. It is also free charge, so anyone can create a Facebook account.

          The second reason why Facebook is an effective communication tool is because of the thousands of features and free apps available to everyone. You can play free games online, send messages to each other privately through chat or publicly through writing on each other's wall. You can also send and upload photos to each other's wall. It also lets you create notes, send information about yourself so others can get to know you a bit more.

           The last reason why Facebook is an effective communication tool is because it lets job employers knows what kind of person they are gonna hire. They can check their wall, photos and other information to see if that's the kind of person to be working in their working environment.

            The first reason why Facebook is an ineffective communication tool is because you never know who goes and checks on your account. Although it is safe and secure, there are some people who are able to hack into your account and find information about you. Dangerous people can try and stalk you or doing something bad to you, so be careful and try to set your security settings to a safe setting.

            The second reason why Facebook is an ineffective communication tool is because some people can get really addicted to it, so they'll probably stay on for hours just looking at other people's profiles and getting new notifications. People won't be able to spend time with their families and will be too lazy to do anything.
             The last reason why Facebook is an ineffective communication tool is because other people or fellow classmate can send or reveal secrets to the public about a person, which is called cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is a bug issue and needs to be stopped. Facebook is a great place where bullies are able to bully other people.

             Therefore there are many pros and cons on the communication tool "Facebook". I hope you enjoyed reading it.